Association Rules (updated at 2008 A.G.M.)1. The name of the Association shall be the Barriedale Allotment Association.
2. An initial membership fee of £2, or other such sum as agreed by the Association, shall be charged.
3. Allotment rent will be agreed at the A.G.M. and charged per rod or fraction thereof (0.1 of a rod or less will not be charged for). Rent unpaid from 30 days after this time will be deemed resignation and membership of the Association will be terminated forthwith. Any plot let after October 1st will be rent-free until the A.G.M.
4. Plots must be kept clean and in a good state of cultivation and fertility and must not be sub-let. Each lot must bear its distinctive number.
5. Paths surrounding plots are the responsibility of the adjoining allotment holders and must be kept in a satisfactory condition. Main paths must be three foot wide and dividing paths between plots two foot wide.
6. No member may trespass on another member’s allotment.
7. Sheds may not be erected without the permission of the Committee and must not be situated within three feet of a perimeter fence. Metal stakes within one metre of the path, or within two metres of the path where there is a drop of one foot or more, must bear sturdy protection.
8. Each member must hold his or her key, which is not transferable without the consent of the Committee. A deposit of £5 per key is made which will be refunded when a key is returned on termination of membership.
9. The site is the responsibility of the Association and only members have the right of access. Each member is required to work at least one hour per year on general site work on a Site Day.
10. All children under 14 years must be accompanied by an adult.
11. Pets must be kept under control.
12. Bonfires may be lit during daylight hours up to one hour before sunset. They may not be left unattended. Wind direction is of the utmost importance and fires must not cause disturbance to the residents of Barriedale. No rubbish whatsoever, domestic or else, can be brought onto the allotment site from outside. Burning toxic material, plastic or synthetic material is forbidden. No rubbish may be left on site.
13. Any member who wishes to make an official complaint or appeal within the business of the Association shall do so in writing to the Association Secretary, who is required to bring the matter before the Committee.
14. Vacant plots are to be let to the next person on the waiting list.
15. All members shall observe and perform all the conditions as laid down in the Association’s agreement with Network Rail.
16. Complaints and Evictions.
Any complaint regarding a members conduct (such as a trespass or smoke incident) should be made to the Secretary in writing, who will bring the matter to the attention of the Committee which may authorise the issue of a written warning to the member concerned. If a written report is received that the behaviour is repeated a second written warning may be issued by the Secretary without reference to the Committee. Any further written report to the Secretary of a repetition of the breach of the rules will be reported to the Committee who may expel the member and evict them from their plot.
If the Letting Secretary considers a plot to be in breach of the rules, he will issue a first written warning. The plotholder will then have 4 weeks from the date of the letter to remedy the situation. If the Letting Secretary considers that at the end of the 4 weeks the plot is still deficient, he will issue a second written warning.
If the Letting Secretary considers that at the end of the second 4-week period the plot is still deficient, then 3 committee members consisting of the Letting Secretary and 2 randomly selected members will inspect the plot and report back to the committee. The plotholder will be informed that this is happening but at this point, it will be too late for the plotholder to remedy the situation any further. The committee will convene urgently for a special hearing. The quorum will be 5 committee members. Thus, there will by definition be an officer of the committee present. The majority vote of that committee will be the final decision.