Welcome to the Barriedale Blog

This is the home of the Barriedale Allotment Society's magnificant web presence. We hope to get some more people adding content soon but contact details, rules etc have been posted. In the meantime have a look at some pics taken over the last couple of years.
If you have an article or pic for the site mail it to nick.beagin.images@blogger.com

Email Contacts

Olivier Busin - Lettings Secretary
Nick Beagin - Committee Secretary

Monday, 20 April 2009

Spring Time for Barriedale - Site Day

Well it seems Spring has sprung after a false start or two and the growing year is now well underway. Everyone is in agreement that the site in general and the plots in particular are looking very good and well cultivated. The recent rain followed by a few days of beautiful sun has really greened the site with onions and potatoes puting out green shoots. Lots of people have been down over the last few weekends and there has been a profusion of planting and digging. The bees in the wood at the end of the site are now very active. Jacqueline (Spelling??) is our resident apiarist and was attending to the hives yesterday complete with smoke pot and other tools of the trade. Please see pics below.

Site day is Saturday 25th April. Mike Faith is compiling a list of jobs but there shouldn't be too much heavy work - we will be concentrating on clearing paths, steps and boarders. Remember that all members are comitted to attending one site day a year so if you can't make this one you will have to attend the Autumn day. However there is the option of taking on some tasks in your own time - Tracy is painting the steps and someone else is creosoting the scaffold planks. Contact Mike or anyone on the committee if you would like a job to do.

Lastly the AGM has come and gone with no major incidents. Tanya has left the committee and we welcome Kieth Chambers as a replacement. Keith has been a plot holder for years so I'm sure he will be a valuble addition. Just a reminder that those who haven't paid their fees for the year have to do so within 30 days of the AGM so if you haven't done so already get your money to Claire as soon as you can.

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